A dental filling is a restoration used to repair minor to moderate tooth damage. We may recommend a filling if a tooth has been damaged by decay (for example, if it has a cavity) or suffers from minor fracturing or chipping. The dental filling is used to restore the tooth to its original structure and function, and return your smile to good health. There are two main types of dental fillings available: amalgam fillings and composite fillings. As amalgam fillings contain a mixture of metals, including mercury, we offer composite fillings to repair your smile and an amalgam removal treatment to help replace your old silver fillings. Our dentist and team use high-quality materials and the latest technologies when removing old fillings and placing your new fillings to ensure excellent long-term results for your smile and oral health.
The process for placing a dental filling requires just one comfortable visit to our office. Our dentist will first remove the decayed and damaged portion of the tooth, then clean it to remove all traces of decay. We then fill the area with the filling material and shape it to match your tooth’s shape. Finally, the filling is hardened by our dentist for a lasting restoration.
If one of your teeth is decayed or damaged, a dental filling may be a great choice for restoring your oral health and function. We invite you to call or visit us today to learn more about dental fillings and schedule your next appointment with our dentist and team. We look forward to caring for your smile!
Most people need at least one tooth filling in their lifetime. Dental filling procedures are most commonly used to treat cavities, but they’re also used to repair cracked or broken teeth, or teeth that have been worn down over time.
Most dental filling procedures feature the following:
A tooth that is cracked can be painful. It also can lead to disease of the tooth.
How do you know if you have a cracked tooth? Look for these signs:
Or you may have no signs at all.
It can be hard for you to tell if a tooth is cracked. If you have pain, you may not be able to tell which tooth hurts or whether the pain is from an upper or a lower tooth. Cracks sometimes are invisible to the eye and may not show up on an x-ray. And sometimes you won’t have any pain or sensitivity at all; your dentist will discover it during your exam.
If you are having symptoms, you can help your dentist find the cracked tooth by sharing some information:
A tooth may crack for many reasons, such as the following:
Sometimes, a crack in the enamel travels through to the nerve pulp. This type of cracked tooth may hurt when you bite down or when you stop biting. The crack may be too small to see, but when it opens, the pulp inside the tooth may become irritated. The pulp is soft tissue inside the center of the tooth that contains the nerves and blood vessels. If the crack extends into the pulp, the tooth may become sensitive to extreme heat and cold.
The pulp also can be affected as a result of the crack. If this happens, endodontic (root canal) treatment may be needed to save the tooth.
A small crack in the tooth
Crack widens when teeth bite down
Treatment depends on the size, location and direction of the crack, as well as your symptoms. Your dentist will talk with you about the treatment that is best for your tooth. It is possible that your dentist will recommend no treatment at all, since tiny cracks are common and usually do not cause problems.
Types of treatment include the following:
Regular dental checkups are important, because they let your dentist diagnose and treat problems at an early stage. A cracked tooth can become a bigger problem if left untreated. If you think you may have a cracked tooth, visit your dentist.
At Best Dental Care we take care of every aspect in our practice from highest quality materials, equipment, a friendly staff and a warm and comfortable environment to provide you with the best service.